Gorgeous DIY Blusher
I felt inspired yet again, this time by Japanese Beauty blushers. Which are not yet available state side. They are beautiful, and look as though the petals were created from powder. I wanted to capture that essence of over the top opulence, so I concocted a lovely do-it-yourself!
First gather your materials
You will need:
-craft rose petals
-Ziploc bag
-setting spray
-paper towels
-small jar/container ( I found mine at Daiso)
-powdered blush (or use a cracked one you own)
-shimmer pigment of choice (can omit for matte blush)
Step 1: On your paper towel-covered surface, open your Ziploc bag. Next pour 1- 2 tablespoons worth of powdered blush, for mine I used a Smashbox Halo blush which was about 2 full twists. Next add some metallic pigment of choice for some sparkle, or omit. Its your life not mine.
Step 2: Now coat your rose petals with a generous spray from setting liquid of choice. You want the fabric to be moistened not soaking wet.
Step 3: Add your rose petals to Ziploc bag.
Step 4: Grasp the bag from the closure, so the powder doesn't fly, now shake the bag! Ensuring the petals are generously dusted. They look ready when they resemble spicy flavored chips like Lay's Flamin' hot.
Step 5: Remove from bag and let dry.
Step 6: Add the beautiful petals into your container of choice, now show off!
W/O Flash

W/ Flash
Hope you enjoy this fun cute take on blush! Its easy and will look gorgeous on any vanity counter.